Exterior home maintenance

How to keep your home exterior looking great all year round

There’s nothing quite like being welcomed home by a stunning design you love. But how do you keep it looking that way? It all starts with regular maintenance checks.

From cleaning your gutters and inspecting your roof to vacuuming your vents and resealing your deck. Just a little time and energy each month can prevent expensive and unsightly problems down the track. Think rot, water damage, and pests, to name a few. 

Below, our Regional Warranty Managers, Matthew Barbieri and Michael Silver, step you through seven things to consider for maintaining your façade and landscaping, so you can ensure your home design looks amazing year round. 


Repainting your facade not only protects against damage from the elements but also adds to the curb appeal of your home. ‘You don’t need to repaint your entire façade each year, but make sure you patch any peeling areas before irreversible material damage takes hold,’ says Matthew. 

Top tip: Routine maintenance is more effective than waiting for long-term damage to occur. 

Clear your gutters

A build-up of leaves in your gutters can quickly lead to blocked downpipes or water overflow that can cause a host of other problems. 

‘Preventative measures you can easily do yourself include regularly clearing your gutters, particularly during the autumn season when leaves are falling and in winter when rainfall is high,’ advises Michael. 


Encroaching root systems and vegetation can wreak havoc on the walls and foundations of your home. ‘We recommend regularly trimming back hedges or shrubs and cutting back any overhanging branches,’ advises Michael Silver.  

‘Doing this, along with removing stray vegetation (such as leaves in autumn) from your back and front yard, will deter pests and allow your lawn easy access to water and sunlight. Also, come summer, don’t forget to check that your retic systems pipes and sprinkler heads are working the way they should,’ adds Michael. 

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Hot tip: To check how well your retic system is operating, place empty tuna cans at various points across your lawn. Turn your retic system on for its usual cycle and look for tuna cans not collecting enough water. You’ll quickly understand which sprinkler heads need adjusting or replacing.

Wash your home exterior

Cleaning your exteriors every few months helps remove abrasive dirt that can prematurely wear away your façade as well as stopping the spread of mould and mildew. ‘A good clean gives your home an instant face lift! Care should be taken if using a high-pressure cleaner, and it’s also important to note that coastal areas will require more frequent cleaning due to the salts that exist in the air,’ says Michael. 

Inspect your external timber materials

Unlike brick, timber materials exposed to the elements can quickly deteriorate. ‘Without regular maintenance, paint or exterior varnish becomes much more difficult to restore to life,’ explains Matthew. 

‘If you have timber features in your façade, particularly around your windows and doors, we’d recommend thoroughly inspecting them every 12 months. Ensure the applied finish (whether paint or varnish) is in good condition with no cracks or gaps. And be sure to sand and reseal any timber cladding that’s looking worse for wear,’ adds Matthew.   

Roof Inspections 

There’s nothing more inconvenient (or costly) than a roof leak. A single cracked roof tile can quickly lead to extensive water damage. Not to mention the damage caused if mould takes hold.  

‘We recommend that homeowners have their roof inspected whenever specific works take place. Annual checks are also a great idea to catch any potential problems before they occur,’ says Matthew. 

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Top tip: Check for loose or damaged roof tiles or metal flashing areas where signs of water ponding (collection of standing water) exist.

Adjust your doors 

As the gateway to your home, you want your entrance door to be clean and operate effectively. Having your door free of dust and other abrasive materials also means itll look fresher for longer. ‘Ensuring your door is adequately adjusted will increase the overall energy performance of your home too,advises Matthew.  

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Top tip: Check your doors every 12 months or at the changing of each season.

Our industry-leading aftercare program, Boutique Assist, offers a superior 12-month warranty service so your new home has enough time to settle and experience all four seasons.

Our designated Home Care team can also answer any questions you may have.