Knockdown rebuild and dual occupancy projects continue to grow in popularity across Victoria, often offering a more affordable way to create the home of your dreams in the suburb you love.

But while many builders talk about the quality and affordability of their new home designs, the crucial demolition process is often overlooked.

‘While demolishing the existing home may seem like a straightforward process, if you sign with an inexperienced builder, it can quickly become an unnecessarily stressful and costly exercise,’ says Boutique Developments Project Manager, Monique Varallo.


What’s involved in the home demolition process for a dual occupancy or knockdown rebuild project?

House demolition can take just a couple of days, depending on the size of the home. The majority of the hard work is actually done in the weeks and months before the bulldozer rolls onto the site. This includes applying for council demolition permits, organising for utilities to be cut off and the grounds to be prepped, and booking contractors to perform the demolition.

‘Your builder will need to ensure the site is safe for neighbouring properties and for the public passing by before demolition commences, as well as organising for any waste to be disposed of or recycled,’ says Monique, who specialises in the end-to-end coordination of dual occupancy demolitions for Boutique customers.



So why is an experienced demolition builder so important?

Monique has seen first-hand the level of money and time that can be wasted by poor home demolition planning. Some of the most common mistakes include council permissions – such as tree removal permits or asbestos certificates – not being applied for early enough, or services such as water, gas and electricity not being shut off correctly or on time.

Issues can also be caused by builders using inexperienced contractors.

‘Unfortunately, it’s the owners who foot the bill for any waste not disposed of properly or if site levels are incorrect.’

‘Errors during demolition can cause a huge amount of unwarranted stress for customers. Time frames can quickly blow out – often after a customer has already vacated the property. When demolition is then delayed, it means the customer must foot unnecessary rent payments on top of all the other costs. This can also cause a delay in the overall build journey.’

Ensure your builder offers a comprehensive and all-inclusive demolition service that will save you serious stress and dollars.



Here’s what Monique says to look out for when selecting a suitable builder:

 1. Level of demolition experience

Ask your builder how many years of experience they have in the demolition game and the types and complexities of the projects they’ve been involved in. Sourcing recent testimonials from their customers and scouring Google reviews are also good places to start.

‘Experienced builders should also have developed relationships with relevant authorities so they can adhere to council timelines, and with trusted and reliable contractors to complete all the demolitions.’

It pays to ask potential builders who they know and who they work with, and then perform your independent research.


2. Any hidden costs

Builders will often say they offer an all-inclusive service for customers, then hit them with a host of additional costs after their contract is signed. Monique suggests asking about common additional fees before you sign on the dotted line. In particular, discuss costs of services such as:

  • Temporary fencing
  • Asset protection permits
  • Dilapidation reporting
  • Clearance certificates
  • Abolishment services
  • Capped sewer works


3. How comprehensive the demolition service is

Demolition isn’t just about knocking down a building – there’s a whole lot of other services that need to be coordinated! Will the builder be liaising with your neighbours to ensure no damage occurs to the neighbouring property? Will they organise for traffic control if required, and apply for permits to remove any trees that also need to go?

‘They also need to liaise with their own construction team to ensure there’s a timely and smooth transition once the demo is complete,’ adds Monique.

As part of our full-service offering, our expert team can undertake comprehensive demolition management of your site to make sure your Boutique build gets started as scheduled without any hidden costs.

Ready to start your dream home journey? Contact one of our friendly New Homes Consultants today.


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