Soon-to-be newlyweds, Sam and Mike wanted a new home for themselves and their three adorable cats, but without the stress and expense of renovating an established home. Instead, they found Boutique Homes and created the bespoke abode of their dreams.
After four-and-a-half years together, Mike and Sam knew they wanted a build process that they could budget for – in terms of both time and money.
‘We first heard about Boutique when we were bored one day and decided to scout display homes. As soon as we stepped inside Boutique’s Providence display, we knew Boutique was ‘The One.’ I felt this sudden urge of love and happiness – I actually cried,’ says Sam.
After visiting display homes state-wide, the couple eventually opted for the practicality of the Marseille floorplan, matched with the beauty of the Southampton façade. For Sam and Mike, choosing their builder came down to quality.
‘After viewing so many display homes, the Boutique product spoke for itself. The finish and quality of the homes where just perfect – for us, it was a no brainer,’ says Sam.
What to expect from the build journey
Every build journey is different, with highs and lows inevitable. But for Mike and Sam, having a clear timeline, plan and process, and a build team providing consistent updates, left them feeling reassured.
‘Our build journey was good. The Boutique team helped stay on top of things and having that clear line of communication with the site supervisor was so important,’ says Sam.
Click here to be inspired by the journey of other Boutique customers who have found ‘The One.’
‘Our favourite part was seeing the frame. It was the point where everything finally felt real and you could imagine the layout of your new home.’
Finding the perfect aesthetics
Mike and Sam have developed a unique style for their interiors, combining the quaintness of farmhouse and country with rustic elements. Their colour palette features a mix of browns, off-whites and beige, coupled with the considered use of timbers.
‘We didn’t want a home that looked exactly like someone else’s. We love taking on our own DIY projects, to ensure our home is different,’ explains Sam.
The couple’s unique interior feel has made their home a hit on social media. Their Instagram page @ourhomeintheranges dedicated to their Boutique build now boasts a highly-engaged audience. For Mike and Sam, it has been an opportunity to form a wide network of new friends and support during their venture, as well as a means of collecting design inspiration.
‘We absolutely love Boutique’s Instagram community and having our own page dedicated to our build has been so enjoyable,’ says Sam.
‘To be able to share your journey and styling with so many other people doing the same is amazing. The community is so rewarding to be a part of and being able to meet so many lovely people along the way is really rewarding.’
Sam’s top advice for new home builders
- Remember, it’s about quality not quantity. For us, the most important aspect was the quality of the home and not what was included. Although Boutique’s premium standard inclusions are amazing, our advice is to do your research. Don’t get sucked in by false promises from other builders’ sales reps.
- Stick to your guns. At the end of the day, it’s your home and your mortgage. Don’t let the opinions of others make you feel as though you should make changes. Build the home you want.
- Look at as many displays as you can. Order samples from suppliers and take them with you to the displays to see if elements match up. And if you want something bad enough, get it – you’ll always regret it if you don’t.
Ready to start your journey to find ‘The One?’ See more of the Marseille home design or talk to one of our friendly New Homes Consultants. See more of Sam & Mike’s beautiful home on Instagram @ourhomeintheranges.
Have you found ‘The One’?
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