A chance conversation was what inspired 23-year-old Steph to invest in her future and build with Elements by Boutique Homes.

‘I wanted my money to work for me. I knew that if I could get into the market young enough, I could set myself up for life,’ says Steph.

‘During the COVID-19 pandemic, I was a Nurse Manager running a screening clinic. One of the casual nurses, who was only 28 years old at the time, owned eight houses and told me the next three locations she was considering buying in. Within the week, I had purchased my first property.’

For Steph, building her first investment property in the Tribeca 25 home design came down to value for money and affordability.

‘I was looking for the smartest way to create equity quickly. As soon as your house is built, equity is instantly created.’

‘Another positive is that it takes your land approximately one year to title. So, after my deposit, I paid nothing towards the property for over 12 months, allowing me to save significantly before settlement. It was a great outcome, especially given I was so young and building on my own,’ says Steph.


Designing the perfect investment property

Steph first heard about Boutique Homes from her neighbour, who happened to be a manager with the company. Elements by Boutique Homes perfectly suited her investor goals. With six curated colour palettes and various floorplans to choose from, Elements offered a streamlined and affordable build process.

‘I chose the Viva facade coupled with the neutrality of the Coastal interior theme. Choosing off pre-selected and tested colour boards made the process really convenient. A colour appointment wasn’t required and it took any level of decisiveness away,’ says Steph.

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The Elements Home Creator tool was also extremely helpful. You can test out different combinations to see your home come alive, all through your device screen. Plus, I can wholeheartedly say that it looks even better in person. So, trust the process!


Steph was looking for a functional and light-filled home design, with one or two elevated design elements to attract future buyer attention. The single storey, four-bedroom, two bathroom Tribeca 25 was just the ticket. Boasting multiple living and car spaces, she upgraded the kitchen with a coveted butler’s pantry and window splashbacks.

‘I visited display homes to gauge which optional upgrades would make my home more desirable for future resale,’ says Steph.

‘My New Homes Consultant had personally built with Boutique Homes and was also a property investor. He was very helpful, recommending upgrades and making clever design suggestions that I would never have considered.’

The new build process

Building in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic with untitled land wasn’t without its challenges, says Steph. But Boutique Homes’ pre-construction team made the process as hassle-free as possible.

‘I was well looked after, with the team checking in with an email or phone call every couple of weeks,’ says Steph.

‘I think building was a great start to my investment journey – it got me the equity, the location boomed, and I could easily rent the home out.’

‘I will definitely build with Elements by Boutique Homes again. Hopefully, the next build will be my own dream home!’

Steph’s advice for anyone looking to build an investment home? Make sure you do your research – but take the leap.

‘Start small and grow big! It is not as scary and difficult as you think. Brokers know what they are doing, and so do Boutique Homes. They will do most of it for you – just get saving!’

Thinking about building your investment portfolio and maximising your future earning potential?

Elements by Boutique Homes offers a streamlined and affordable option to building a high-quality investment property. Reach out to one of our friendly New Homes Consultants today and ask about Elements by Boutique Homes.

Discover other customer stories and design ideas on the Boutique Life blog.


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