Dual occupancy homes can be close in proximity but that doesn’t mean you need to compromise on privacy.

A convenient way to supercharge your investment, dual occupancy involves building multiple homes on the same block. But whether you are splitting the cost with a family member or living in one property while renting out the other, it’s important to consider what your builder can do to maximise peace and quiet between neighbours.

‘We spend more time in our homes than ever before – working, entertaining and home schooling – so it’s important that the correct soundproofing measures are put in place early in the build process,’ says ABN Victoria Development Manager, David Mafrici.

‘There’s nothing worse than hearing the blare of your neighbour’s TV or sound system while you’re trying to enjoy some downtime.’

Often overlooked, soundproofing between walls and floors is crucial to ensuring your home is comfortable.

‘Most of our Boutique Developments dual occupancy designs contain a second living area on the first floor, which usually morphs into a kids’ playroom,’ says David.

‘You don’t want their play to be disturbed by the stomping of feet or to wake them at night while you’re watching TV.’


Are all Dual Occupancy homes soundproofed?

You would think that privacy would be front of mind for all dual occupancy builders, given the close proximity of the properties. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.

‘A lot of builders who try and tender for a project or win potential clients will keep prices low by skimping on items that are hidden or not considered important until you’re living in the home,’ says David.

‘While additional soundproofing measures may add cost initially, it’s imperative to creating a relaxing and comfortable home environment. It’ll also make your home more energy efficient, saving you money down the track.’

Five ways to maximise soundproofing in
your Dual Occupancy home

1. Make sure double glazing is included

Double glazing is your soundproofing bread and butter. ‘Double glazed windows and doors are essentially two panes of glass, separated by a pocket of air,’ explains David. ‘This not only helps to regulate temperature in your home and make it more energy efficient, it also helps to dull any outside noise.’ All Boutique Developments customers receive double glazing included in their cost as standard, no need to pay for an upgrade.

2. Ensure your home is built with Soundstop® plaster

Soundstop® plaster is specifically developed to minimise the transfer of noise between rooms. ‘This is perfect for the parti-wall between two dual occupancy properties, so you don’t hear your neighbours,’ says David. ‘I also suggest Soundstop® plaster around wet areas where it’s difficult to install internal insulation.’ This will help drown out the sound of flushing toilets and running water while you’re trying to sleep.

3. Add a Hebel PowerFloor

Hebel PowerFloors are installed between the upper and lower levels of your double storey build. Why? Because they’ll dull the sound of people moving around upstairs or the noise of your TV and stereo. ‘PowerFloors also offer fantastic thermal insulation between levels, keeping you warm in winter and cool in summer,’ adds David.

Boutique homes is one of the most popular dual occupancy home builders in melbourne

4. Upgrade your insulation and underlay

Upgrading your insulation and underlays are inexpensive ways to make your home more energy efficient and comfortable, especially during Melbourne’s icy winters. ‘Insulation is also completely hidden by the plaster, so it doesn’t impact the aesthetics of the home,’ says David. ‘Upgraded underlay beneath your floors not only increases the sound proofing between levels and aids in trapping heat, but they also make your floors far more comfortable underfoot.’

Are you interested in a Dual Occupancy build?

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